Who can become our dealer?

Anyone who has a store that deals with monetary traansasactions (Mobile Money /Banking)

Do I need to deposit money?

Yes, dealers are required to deposit a security deposit of K500

How can I learn to sell lottery?

Leaders will take you through a training process before you become eligible to sell.

Do I need some equipment to sell lottery tickets?

Yes, you need a smart phone and a lottery machine which will be made available for you.

Do I need a static location?

Yes, as dealer you are required to have one fixed geigraphic location.

Do you have a limit of the number of dealers per area?

There is no limit, provided they meet the requiremts.

Do we limit the selling area?

No, all movements by dealers are to be communicated with by upline managers/leaders

Is there a cashing schedule?

Yes, all dealers are expected to submit total lottery sales of the day before 18hrs via mobile money.

What are the benefits of being a dealer?

You will receive 8% commission of total sales, and 1% of prize winnings given to winners through your store.